Monday, July 27, 2009

Maple What?!

Last Friday on my way to the building supply warehouse I stopped for a snack. Truthfully, I was horribly lost and looking for some solid directional advice and a bit of sweet comfort. This shouldn't be a shocker to any of you that know me! Anyway, I figured a Twix would be great, but this bottle caught my attention... It may not be the prettiest thing you've ever laid eyes on, but man is it interesting! Vermont Maple Soda. Yup, that's right! Of course I bought it (even though I'm not a big soda fan) and gave it a try as soon as I had a few folks lined as guinea pigs. Believe it or not, it was surprisingly tasty. Not too sweet and vaguely smoky. Kind of like being in a cabin in the woods after a long day of snowboarding. Now that's happiness in a bottle!


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