I have 3 minutes to blog (WAY too many things being juggled today) so I'm going to be quick ... make a t-shirt rug! Seriously, do it! I needed a rug for the Mission Exchange changing room floor and my budget was exactly zero dollars. Well, I've been looking for an excuse to crochet a rug for ages and recently ran across this
lovely bit inspiration at Sockmonster on Etsy. I figured it couldn't be that hard to make a rug, right? Only problem was that I wasn't in the mood to buy tons of tees and I'd already raided my closet for different t-shirt project. What to do?
Then came my one and only moment of brilliance this week... I thought to buy a flat t-shirt material sheet at the thrift store. Super cheap (.60 cents) and way easier to cut into long strips! So I cut up the whole sheet into 1.5 inch strips, stretched them so that the edges would curl in, tied them together and
crocheted a quick circle out of them. Oh and I used a jumbo crochet hook, super fast! I think this project would be amazing in color, but I needed to reserve the right to wield bleach. Maybe I'll have to make another one?...